


Zion Harvest Church Pillars

Betsy Rivera and Beth Haines

img_1098The Pillars at Zion Harvest Church have been set into place to provide support to the infrastructure of the Church. This support is vast and diverse and encompasses many aspects of the Church Body.

Traditionally, pillars are found at the entrances of churches and other important buildings. They are prominent and protect the entrance. Zion Harvest Church has Pillars too, just not ones made of stone and mortar, but of flesh and blood.  These people are the ones you will usually meet first. Pillars are the welcoming committee and make a point of touching base with everyone who enters the building. In addition, Pillars are reliable, providing essential support to the other members or visitors that come to join our services as well as establishing a strong relationship with God first and then the church. This includes sharing the Word. They also serve as the eyes and ears of the body so they can faithfully represent the body to the leadership and the leadership to the body. Pillars are the glue that keeps the whole structure together. They are the key to structural and spiritual unity in the body. A pillar looks over the needs of the people and puts things in motion to meet those identified issues and will sacrifice his/her own desires to fulfill the need within the church.

Spiritually, the pillars are intercessory prayer warriors, praying the Spirit of God into church members and leadership. Pillars do not merely meet physical needs, but should have the compassion of Jesus to discern the heart of God in the lives of the people.  There will be a time and place for correction – not to judge, but letting the Spirit of God lead at all times. A pillar supports the rest of the church in all aspects of leadership.  The practical support in getting a job done or assisting others to get the job done is essential in this role. A Pillar is a solid person not tossed to and fro by the Devil or negative beliefs. They stand upright spiritually and speak the truth in boldness. Pillars partake in spiritual warfare and stay away from immorality and sin. A Pillar exemplifies trust, security, and growth development in the Lord. They are sound spiritual people who hold up others in prayer, no matter what the need is, and direct them to resources available within our church and outside our walls.

The services provided are specific to the needs identified. Pillars could be preparing food for Sunday worship, checking in on hospitalized individuals, or just checking up on church members who were having a rough week. The duties are varied and other assignments could be delegated if needed. Pillars assist in the management of all church related activities and provide the hands to do the jobs needed.  A Pillar has a hospitable/joyful spirit in the planning of church events.