
Watchman, Watchman, What of the Night?



Jennifer Robinson – Eziagalu

All watchmen are intercessors, but not all intercessors are watchmen. Every church needs intercessors to pray for the needs of the congregation as well as the community, the nation, and nations of the world, but every church also needs its watchmen to be able to discern the spiritual atmosphere over the church and its leaders as well as the community, the nation, and nations of the world. Every watchman has a sphere of authority and should be very careful not to venture into areas where he/she may not have any authority; therefore, a watchman must have a close, personal relationship, walking in the Present Truth of Jesus Christ, as well as extensive knowledge of the Word of God and live a life exemplifying its practical application. A Watchman also must love mercy, act justly, and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8).

A Watchman may be a pastor, a prophet, a teacher, an evangelist, or an Apostle.  A Watchman is a person under the authority of the Pastor and other church leaders, and is usually recognized as a church leader. The Watchman usually is a seer and views events from a bird’s eye view and not from the ground level and sounds the alarm. The Prophet, on the other hand, speaks the oracles of God. The Pastor fights on the ground level with the enemy at the gate. The teacher teaches the Word of the Lord in ways the people can understand. The evangelist wins the lost to Christ, and the Apostle provides the foundation of the Church. All these offices are different and may overlap one another at times, but all are needed for the effective operation of the Church of Jesus Christ.